Monday, July 20, 2009

Homegrown tomatoes

Got these beauties ...
From this. It started on day
when I noticed a unfamiliar weed
looking thing in my rose bushes.
It kept growing n growing and
growing out of control, taking over my
roses. Then we discovered little green balls.
Well what do you know we have a tomato plant.
Don't know how it got there, but we get to enjoy
yummy tomatoes on the vine without
buying them. Perfect timing for the summer!

Bathroom update

Well it all started 7 yrs ago when we remodeled the house and the bathroom really never got finish. And so we left it bright yellow on top tan step and walls creamy yellow ragged. I have not liked it since then and have wanted to repaint. So paige pulled on the towel rack and it came out of the wall. Scott says now is the time to repaint if we are going to do it. Yea!! I helped with about half and ended up finishing the white on top. Decor still in waiting, but finally feels open and bigger.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fun in the Sun @Huntington Beach

Tanner, Rodrigo, Tyler and Logan
digging a huge hole.
Mommy watch'n the kids.

Sebation and Tanner getting pulled down by huge waves.

Tanner trying to fight off the big waves.

Tyler Hughes trying to bury Tanner Hughes.

Paige giving mommy a kiss.

This what makes me happy !

Paige Hughes, Brittney Best, Dylan Best,
Kenzie Hughes, Morgan Hughes & Logan Hughes.

Goofy guy

Mom the sand feels good.

Well It all started out with some baseball mom's wanted to get together over the summer to stay in touch. So Paola Jordan and her 2 boys came with her friend, then Connie Strickland came with her 3 boys, then me with my 3 Missy and her Justin , sister-in-law Amber with her 2 youngest, then Stacey 8 months and her 3. We all met up at Huntington Beach with all 13 kids. it was fun. The kids all played so well together and the moms were able to relax. Cheap activity. $10 parking and walla. I love doing this and my 3 love it too. Yes I dous (sp)my kids in 85 sunblock and they are off. Reapply every 1 or 2. We all have fun and come home shower and a good night rest. Thanks for making beach Friday fun. Everyone!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Paige didn't like the loud booms.
Out in our yard looking at fireworks from Azusa side

In mom & dad's bed watching fireworks show on TV

We went to the Dodgers game Thursday before and they had their show.

Mom taking pix Paige locked in her car seat holding her ears.

This year Scott decided to detail both cars and wash them so we spent all day at home. It was fun and relaxing. Didn't have to do anything or be anywhere. Happy Birthday U.S.A

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cub scout camp Space campm Trask

Tanner shooting a BB gun
Our pack stuck in jail. Tanner Holmes
Tanner Hughes, Daniel Miller,Tyler Peterson
Chase Johnson, Ben Willett, Bryant Willett,Mason
LLoyd, Joshua Hartline, Stephen Slater, GavinGiles,
Jason Meisel, Andres Strong.

Tanner bow and arrow.

Kick Kick Kick ...............

Getting his arm band on for bow and arrow.

Doing map and compass. the moon walk.

Boating. they had to paddle themselves. NO adult

Yep he's mine So cute and totally excited!!
This year Tanner started cub scouts with our church. He has already advanced from tiger to Wolfe. He loves. it. Tanner has a lot to live up to. Every man in his family...Great Grandpa Matthews started the cub program in our church years ago. Both Grandpas, 4 uncles Dad and now Tanner. Logan wants to too he still has a couple years to go. This is very important to Scott and I. Enjoy scouts Tanner it will take you a long way in life.