Justin,Mckenzie,Morgan,Logan,Paige,Tanner,CJ, and Tyler
Jessica taking a pix of herself.
Stacey 7 months , don't hate me for this.
Missy , yes it was that cold.
Happy Birthday
YUMMY Cotton candy $3 we all shared.
The new 3D toy story ride.
Don't we look adorable. Cute little family.
June 17 we started the day off to Disneyland so I could get my $69 gift card. If you don't have a season pass you get in free. Anyways we stayed until 3 came home. and mommy went out with the girls for a dinner.I t was to get away. Then Friday I met other girls down at the beach which was cold all day.We were lucky to reach 70 for about 15 min. So we decided to head in and they surprised me with a hot dog/smores dinner bonfire. It was fun. Thanks Missy and Stacey. We were cold but in great company. It's nice to be remembered on special days.